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And A Happy 2025.

Welcome to the new year that is 2025! Already things are getting busier for the next sixty days or so. London Underground-themed Halloween collection Misery And Other Lines is still available, courtesy of Demain Publishing. And, as always, my full body of published work is here (in addition to the Free Fiction on this site).


As for appearances/conventions, I'm due to do a slot with The Tiny Bookcase for near the end of January, although I'm yet to finalise the details of what story I'll bring to the table, so to speak. Plus, I'm still scheduled to run a workshop for the online part of the UK Ghost Story Festival this February. As always, keep your eye on social media for any additional detail or updates.


January is already looking to be a busy month. Having already done one draft of a novelette last month, I'm currently working on a different version of the story that should be done by mid-January at the latest. Then, it's back to drafts of a new novel and collection to overhaul, not to mention basic research and outlining on the next book. There's also the next novella that I want to get done.


Busy is as busy does.




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